Welcome to vediyu.com! We've kept these terms straightforward and clear. Here's what you need to know about using our file hosting service.
Any content involving minors or animals is strictly forbidden. We'll remove such content immediately and report it to the appropriate authorities. This is non-negotiable.
No viruses, malware, trojans, or any other harmful programs. Our automated systems regularly scan for these, and they'll be removed when detected.
If it's illegal offline, it's illegal here. This includes copyrighted material, private information, and anything else that could cause legal issues.
Standard uploads and adult content are allowed, provided everyone involved is a consenting adult and the content is legal.
Feel free to share your art, photography, writing, and other creative content. We're here to help you share your work.
We only accept video documents.
• We maintain a no-logs policy - we don't track who uploads or downloads what.
• Your files remain private. We won't share them with anyone unless legally required to do so.
• Need something removed? Just contact us, and we'll take care of it promptly.
• We may update these terms as needed to reflect new features or requirements.
• Violating these terms may result with the service access being blocked.
• While we strive for reliability, we recommend keeping backups of your important files. vediyu.com does not guarantee keeping your files always available.